Following an allegation from a Chennai-based individual that Paramahamsa Nithyananda was in illegal possession of wildlife products, including tiger skins and elephant tusks, Madurai police on 26th June conducted a thorough search of the Madurai Aadheenam premises, where Nithyananda has been camping frequently since he took over as the 293rd pontiff of this 1500-year-old Hindu organization on 27th April this year. The search revealed no wildlife products or suspicious activities, and the police gave a clean chit to Nithyananda. Both the pontiffs of Madurai Aadheenam, Paramahamsa Nithyananda and his predecessor Srila Sri Arunagirinatha Sri Jnanasambandha Desika Paramacharya Swamigal were present during the search.
The search came in the wake of a bizarre complaint registered with the Madurai police by one Solai Kannan of the Hindu Makkal Katchi. Kannan claimed to have visited the Aadheenam on the night of 12th May this year, where he was served teertham (holy water) spiked with intoxicants. While in an inebriated state, he claimed to have witnessed Paramahamsa Nithyananda in a compromising position with Tamil actress and devotee Ranjita, and several other male and female disciples in similar positions on beds of wet tiger skins and elephant tusks.
In view of the atrocious nature of the complaint, the Madurai police initially refused to register an FIR. Kannan then approached the Chennai High Court and obtained directions for the registration of an initial FIR against Nithyananda, Srila Sri Arunagirinatha Swamigal and his PRO Vaishnavi.
TNN, 27th June 2012
Raid in Madurai Adheenam, no seizures
MADURAI: Self-styled godman Nithyananda’s cup of woes appear to overflow as police raided the premises of the ancient Madurai Adheenam on Tuesday searching for tiger skins and elephant tusks.
A team of police personnel, accompanied by a village administrative officer (VAO) and two private witnesses entered the premises of the adheenam in the busy South Avani Moola Street around noon and raided the mutt for about three hours. However, police said that they could not seize any incriminating material.
“The raid was based on the complaint registered against Nithyananda under the Wildlife Protection Act. But we could not find any tiger skins or elephant tusks,” said Vilakuthoon inspector Kathirvel, who headed the raid team.
The case was registered against Nithyananda in the Vilakuthoon station based on a complaint from M Solaikannan, district president of Hindu Makkal Katchi, who claimed that he saw tiger skins and elephant skins were used by Nithyananda in the mutt. Solaikannan also alleged that the devotees were being served sedatives in the guise of holy water.
“There were about 20 devotees in the mutt during the raid. They did not object to the raid as we possessed due search orders. We searched each and every room. We also inquired some of the devotees,” the police official said.
Wildlife Act Violation Allegations: Police Gives Clean Chit to H.H Paramahamsa Nithyananda